
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Stodgill. Selecting the person's name will take you to that person's individual page.

Name Birth date
Ambrose 1730
Ambrose 1750
Docia 1765
Dorshee 1771
Elizabeth about 1775
Elizabeth 1735
Isell 1764
Jacob Apr 1, 1768
James about 1781
James 1725
James 1695
James 1761
Joel about 1770
John 1740
John 1763
John 1757
Lewis 1767
Mary 1745
Mary about 1783
Mary 1753
Millie about 1777
Nancy about 1779
Rhoda about 1767
Ruth Jan 9, 1758
Samuel 1760
Sarah about 1785
William about 1772
William 1773