What book/authors would you like to discuss? Let’s see if I have read and have ideas about.
What book/authors would you like to discuss? Let’s see if I have read and have ideas about.
“While I don’t think that someone who is diagnosed with a massive tumor should the next day be able to have millions and millions and millions of dollars of health care provided, I do believe there can be a structure to deal with the issue of pre-existing conditions,” Dreier said.
Dreier is a Republican member of the House of Representatives. To give him the benefit of the doubt, I don’t think he really would allow a fellow human to just die from the massive tumor if he could help, but his philosophy here seems to say that we as a society should just assign the person with a tumor and inadequate health insurance to the whims of fate. (sorry about the cliche) What structure, Representative Dreier? Who pays for what care? If you and your fellows in governments do not fund high risk pools adequately, then people who need help will be left to cope.
I am so tired of seeing scams on facebook, click share so this baby can have a heart transplant. So tired of jars in stores to contribute to the surgery fund for some poor person. So tired of fundraisers to help someone get needed medical care.
We are the richest country in the world. We have wonderful health care IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT.
When did we lose the idea that we only advance when we help the least able to help themselves
Today is the anniversary of the day the sitting Vice President of the United States shot and fatally wounded in a duel the former Secretary of the Treasury. Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton met on a “field of honor” in New Jersey to satisfy Burr’s resentment at Hamilton’s statements as to Burr’s trustworthiness and fitness for the office of governor of New York.
Although Burr “won” the duel, Hamilton dying from his wounds, Burr’s political goose was well-cooked. He would eventually be tried and acquitted for treason against the United States, allegedly by trying to get the western states to join with him and Spain and take over New Orleans. Historians are still arguing his guilt or innocence on that one.
When the sitting vice president, Chaney shot his friend during the hunting incident, I thought about Burr.
Hamilton so disliked Burr that when the House of Representatives had to decide the election of 1800 between Jefferson and Burr, Hamilton, Jefferson’s political antagonist, persuaded his coFederalists to elect Jefferson.
Political enmity is nothing new to this country. We have survived assassinations, smears, scandals, eras in which big money bought governments, wars, depressions.
Are we still strong enough?
I am frequently amazed with how a writer that I have known and loved can amaze me with the skill with which she/he puts words together. I have read and enjoyed C. J. Cherryh’s works since she first started appearing on the sff shelves at the bookstores. But I had not read anything by her or reread anything in several years. Life and its complications, new authors, had intervened.
So last week I picked up a paperback of her collected short stories.
One paragraph and I was enthralled. Aside from her skill at creating characters, of her worldbuilding, of her mastery of both pure fantasy and hard-core science fiction, her ability to write, to take words and put them together, place her in the top rank, not just of sff writers but of all writers of the English language.
Who: I am a reactionary radical grandmother, retired teacher, voracious reader, crafter, amateur genealogist, historian, 8th generation Floridian, mother, wife, beat, music lover.
What: This blog will cover my opinions on life, movies, books, politics, cooking, and any idea that come to mind.
When: I hope to post every day. We will see.
Why: Just because I feel like it.
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