Birth | Aug 21, 1723; Williamsburg, James City County, VA 3 |
Death | about Apr 23, 1794; Grayson County, VA 4 |
Father | Jonathan Osborne | b. Mar 27, 1697 | d. Oct 6, 1761 |
Mother | Gretta Holman | b. about 1700 | d. between 1728 and 1794 |
Wife | Elizabeth Wells Howard | b. 1726 | d. 1796 |
Marriage | 1749; Yadkin County, NC 5 | ||
Children | Solomon Osborne | b. about 1743 | d. 1764 |
Robert Sr. Osborne | b. about 1745 | d. after 1810 | |
Enoch Osborne, Sr. | b. about 1745 | d. Sep 18, 1818 | |
Ellender Osborne | b. 1751 | d. 1823 | |
Stephen Osborne | b. about 1750 | d. WFT Est 1751-1840 | |
Jonathan Osborne | b. Feb 13, 1753 | d. Apr 11, 1834 | |
Ephriam Jr. Osborne | b. 1754 | d. 1852 | |
Nancy Osborne | b. about 1760 |
Source: The following data was given tothe contributor by Herbert Bohler, which was copied from correspondence between Herbert and Joy Adams of KY.
The data is all from Joy. Jeffery Weaver has also researched the
Osborn's name and Joy's and Jeff's data are almost identical from Ephriam
Osborn Sr. and his descendants. However in regards to Ephriam Sr.'s
ancestry Joy and Herbert are not in accord. At this point in time, I'm
using the ancestry data of Herbert. With that preface, I'll now give the
narrative of Joy Adams as follows:
"The first known Osborne of our line was possibly James Osborne and his
son, Jonathan. For many years the story has been circulated that a James
Osborn, of Warwickshire, England came to the Colonies, bringing son
Jonathan and this Jonathan was the father of Ephriam, Calib, etc. This
story originated in 1945 when the late Will H. Daniel, of Huntington, WV,
employed a researcher to trace his liniage. The authenticity of the
story can be checked by writing the Kansas State Historical Society. I
wrote them, but never did receive a reply. I also did quite a bit of
free KY research for a lady that belonged to that Society and she
promised to have it checked out, but she never did. Some time back a
lady had an ad in the Gen. Helper on this Jonathan, and I also wrote
her-and again- no reply!
The first one we can be sure of is Ephriam Osborn, Sr. He is believed to
have been born in NJ. An Israel Clem, grandson of Robert Osborn, stated
the Osborns came from NJ. The Calender of NJ Wills includes these same
Osborn names in significant numbers. From NJ these Osborns came to NC.
Ephriam Sr. was in Rowan Co., NC by 1753 (Pension #58912). He died in
Grayson Co., VA after April 23, 1794. He was probably a brother to
Ephriam is said to have been married to Elizabeth Howard, though proof is
lacking. Howards did live beside these Osborns on the Yadkin River, NC.
Osborns and Howards did travel together from NC to VA to Harlen Co., KY.
"Settlement of the Northwest Carolina Frontier, 1747-1762", Robert W.
Ramsey. Pub. by The University of NC Press, Chapel Hill, 1964. Pg. 82 &
130. Removed from Elizabeth Town, Essex Co., NJ to the Yadkin Valley,
Rowan Co., NC in about 1755-1758.
Book, "Wiley Winton Osborne - His Ancestors and Descendants", by Carol
(Osborne) Hackett & Myrtle Greer Johnson, Pub. 1961.
A 7 Generation Descendant Chart of the Osbornes, compiled by Kathy Ray of
Parkersburg, WV, dtd 17 Feb. 1993.
Ephriam settled North of the Yadkin in 1749. He and his son, Jonathan
were in the Battle of Point Pleasant in 1774, Black Co., VA, which is now
Pt. Pleasant, WV (Mason Co). In 1751, he went to Snow Creek, VA and to
Starrson, Augusta Co., VA and was able to visit a relatives and families
of James Watson and George Gibson. In 1757 or 1761 he moved from Rowan
Co., NC to Grayson Co.,, VA, and lived there until he died.
The name of Ephriam Osborn appeared on the 1759 tax list of Rowan Co., NC
and on the 1761 tax list of Calib Osborn in the Forks of the Yadkin. That
may have been the year that Ephriam and family moved to the Hollow of
Surrey, for his name appeared on the Elijah Skidmore tax list in 1761
1870 Census, Grayson Co., VA, Wilson District, July 1870, No. 353A. Pg.
277 of Transcript by Jeffery Weaver. See annotation
Ephriam is shown on the Tax List of Rowan Co., NC for the year 1761.
(from the book NC Taxpayers 1679-1790, Vol 2 compiled by Clarence C.
Ratcliff. Pub. by Baltimore Genelogical Pub. Co. 1987.)
In 1762, Ephriam Sr. returned to testify for Caleb Osborn in a suit
against Frederick Friley (Rowan Co., NC - Minute Book-2-247).
By 1766, Ephriam Sr. and family were in Fincastle Co., VA. In 1772, his
name appeared on Wm. Herbert's tax list in Fincastle Co., VA. On Dec.
14, 1774 he obtained a Loyal Land Grant for 260 acres in Fincastle Co.,
lying on both sides of Saddle Creek, a branch of New River. The grant
had been ordered one year earlier (Survey Book A-123). It was there that
Osborn's Fort was built. In later years, Ephriam was granted a license
to operate an ordinary. [tavern]
In 1774 Wm. Scott filed suit against Ephriam; the suit was abated in 1779
(Montgomery Co., VA- Minute Book ?-64, 3-22).
Ephriam took the Oath of Allegiance in 1777. In 1779 he was paid for
patrolling, presumably against Indians and Tories. (Book 2-285) On the
1781 militia list, his name as Lieut. Ephriam Osborn, followed
immediately by Capt. Enoch Osborn. But Ephriam was designated, "Not Fit"
for Military service.
On Mar 4, 1786 Ephriam's name apppeared on the revenue tax list. On Oct.
28, 1789, he was still living in Montgomery Co., VA with property on both
sides of Saddle Creek.
He was on the Montgomery Co., VA Personal Property Tax 1787 - List "A".
He was on the Montgomery Co., VA Personal Property Tax 25 Oct.,1788 -
List "A".
On April 23, 1794, Ephriam Sr. was exempted from paying the county levy.
(Grayson Co., VA Order Book 1-43). This is the last entry found in his
name in the records. Ephriam's and Elizabeth's children: Robert,
Solomon, Enoch, Jonathan, Ephriam Jr., Elender, and probably others.
More comments from WFT submitter:
At a later date, I found that most of what Joy Adams had written was from
a Book titled, "Early Osborns and Alleys", compiled by Rita (Kennedy)
Sutton and published by The Historical Society of SW VA. PJP
Ephriam Sr.'s name is on the monument listing him as soldier of Capt
Enoch Ozburn's Company, located at Independence, VA.
It is the theory of Jeffery Weaver that Ephriam was the son of Ephriam
Osborne and Mary Osborne (2nd cousin). As given to me in a letter from
Jeff dtd. 12 May 1989. Also, Letter from Jeffery Weaver, dtd. 14 Nov.
1990. I talked to Jeff on the phone in April of 1994 and asked him if
he still held the same view. His answer was an emphatic YES. In a
telecon with Jeff on 28 July 1994, Jeff said that in the 1930ts, Will
Daniels, an attorney, hired a genealogist from Pittsburg, PA to find the
parents of Ephriam. This genealogist came up with Jonathan Osborne,
who married Greta Holman, which according to Jeff is definitely wrong.
Jeff Weaver in a letter dated 30 Jan. 1995, said that he is not
convinced that Elizabeth was the wife of Ephriam, and certainly not
convinced that Ephriam was married twice. In this letter, he also
reiterates what he
said in the above information.
From a Book titled, "Early Osbornes and Alleys" compiled by Rita
(Kennedy) Sutton and published by The Historical Society of SW VA. It
is long out of print.
Pedigree Chart from Cathy Bell of Lincoln, NE. 13 Apr 1993
Families & History of Sullivan Co., TN, Vol.1, 1779-1992. Pg 545
"Pioneer Settlers in Grayson Co., VA. 1760-1800. Editor, Paula H.
Anderson-Green. 1993
Source References
1. | World Family Tree Vol. 8, Ed. 1 Page: Tree #1365 Confidence: Normal Text: Date of Import: Oct 18, 1997 |
2. | GEDCOM File : salem gormezano 3.ged Confidence: Normal |
3. | Bröderbund WFT Vol. 5, Ed. 1, Tree #1443, Date of Import: Dec 29, 1996 Confidence: Normal |
4. | Bröderbund WFT Vol. 5, Ed. 1, Tree #1443, Date of Import: Dec 29, 1996 Confidence: Normal |
5. | Bröderbund WFT Vol. 5, Ed. 1, Tree #1443, Date of Import: Dec 29, 1996 Confidence: Normal |